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This command requires the administrator permission by default. To learn how to change this, please check the faq command.

/achievementtracker enable

Enables the Achievement Tracker in a specific channel. Afterwards you can use the /track command to have their achievements automatically sent to said channel.


After enabling this and tracking a user, it may take a while for the tracker to send their achievements over. This is because of rate limits and the large amount of users that are being tracked currently.


Name Type Description Default
channel TextChannel

The text channel you want RuneScape achievements to be sent to.


/achievementtracker disable

Disables the Achievement Tracker again.

/achievementtracker untrack

Remove user(s) from the list of people tracked by the Achievement Tracker in this server.


Name Type Description Default
users str

User(s) you would like to have tracked, separated by |


/achievementtracker untrackall

Untracks everyone from the Achievement Tracker in this server.

/achievementtracker tracked

Lists everyone you're currently tracking with the Achievement Tracker in this server