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This command requires the administrator permission by default. To learn how to change this, please check the faq command.

/ticketing enable

Enable the ticketing feature in your server.

After enabling the feature you'll need to spawn a ticket button, which you can do by using the /ticketing button command. This is the button people can click to open a ticket.


Name Type Description Default
roles Transform[str, RoleTransformer]

The roles you'd like to be able to manage tickets in your server.


/ticketing disable

Disables the ticketing feature.

/ticketing button

Spawns a button users can click to create a ticket.

You can create a button or several buttons, which can be clicked by users to create a ticket. When someone clicks the button, a channel will be created and the configured role(s) will be mentioned to alert them a new ticket is available.

Once a ticket is created, a new message will also appear in the logchannel which shows who created the ticket, when they did so and what the channel is.

The ticket can be closed by clicking the Close Ticket button. This will remove the user who created the ticket from their ticket, while still keeping it opened for staff to see. When a ticket is closed, a message will also be sent to the logchannel to show who closed the ticket.

The ticket can be removed completely by clicking the Delete Ticket button. This will create a transcript of all of the messages that were sent in the ticket, and pass it on to the logchannel along with who deleted the ticket.

The ability to customise the tickets is based on your Patreon tier. All of the limitations are also per server, for example if you have a limit of 3 buttons, this means you can create 3 buttons in every server, given you have the correct permissions.


Commands not mentioned in the table below are free.

Tier Ability
Free create a singular button
1 modify the text & title of the button you created
2 select a standard name for the channels that are created, in the format of {text-here}-{username} eg: #cool-ticket-username1234
3 up to 3 customisable buttons, customise the message received inside of a ticket, configure forms to fill out when creating a ticket, configure category tickets, change the embed color and button colors of any button or embed
4 create infinite customisable buttons

/ticketing buttons

Shows you all of the current ticketing buttons configured in your server, along with their configuration.

/ticketing text

This command edits the text displayed in the embed of a ticket-button.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a ticketing button or ID of a message.

new_description str

The new description you'd like the embed to get.


/ticketing buttontitle

This command edits the title displayed in the embed of a ticket-button


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a ticketing button or ID of a message.

new_title str

A new title for the embed of a button to have.


/ticketing category

Selects the category new tickets created with this button will be sent to.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a ticketing button or ID of a message.

category CategoryChannel

The category tickets created with this button should be sent to.


/ticketing channel

Sets a default channel name for new tickets created with this button.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a ticketing button or ID of a message.

channel_name str

The name for ticket channels created with this button. Defaults to None.


/ticketing roles

Configures role(s) that will be able to manage tickets created with the given button.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a ticketing button or ID of a message.

roles Transform[str, RoleTransformer]

The roles you want to be able to access tickets created with this button.


/ticketing message

Sets the message a user will see upon creating a ticket.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a ticketing button or ID of a message.

text str

The message users will receive in their ticket. Defaults to None.


/ticketing logchannel

Sets the logchannel for tickets created with this button.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a ticketing button or ID of a message.

logchannel TextChannel

The channel logs for tickets created through this button should be sent to.


/ticketing deletebuttons

Delete ticketing buttons you've created before with the /ticketing button command.


Name Type Description Default
button_ids str

A list of IDs of ticketing buttons. Defaults to None, which means all buttons will be deleted.


/ticketing mention

Changes whether the ticket will mention its roles or not.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a ticketing button or ID of a message.

choice ChoiceYesNo

Whether you want tickets created through this button to mention the roles you configured with /ticketing roles or not.


/ticketing label

Changes the label of a ticket button.

The label is the text inside of a button.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a ticketing button or ID of a message.

label str

The new text you want the label to have.


/ticketing threading

Configures a ticketing button to use threads or regular channels.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a message with a ticket button


Whether you want to use threads or regular channels. Yes = Threads, No = Regular channels.


/ticketing clear

Removes all of the tickets created by a given user.


Name Type Description Default

A list of users, either by mention or ID. Separated with a space.


/ticketing anonymous

Change the ticket channels to use numbers instead of usernames.

This combats people using 3rd-party clients to look at channel names.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a message with a ticket button

anonymous bool

The setting for anonymous Ticketing. True is on False is off.


/ticketing forms


This command requires the administrator permission by default. To learn how to change this, please check the faq command.

/ticketing forms enable

Enables and configures a form for a ticket button.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a message with a ticket button.

title Range[str, 1, 45]

The title the form should have

amount_of_questions Range[int, 1, 5]

The amount of questions you'd like the form to have. Max is 5.


/ticketing forms disable

Disables forms for the provided ticket button.


Name Type Description Default
button_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

A link to a message with a ticket button.


/ticketing user


This command requires the administrator permission by default. To learn how to change this, please check the faq command.

/ticketing user add

Adds a user to the current ticket channel.


Name Type Description Default
user Member

The user you'd like to add to the ticket.


/ticketing user remove

Removes a user from the current ticket channel.


Name Type Description Default
user Member

The user you'd like to remove from the ticket.
