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/host add

Adds someone to the host form manually.


Name Type Description Default
host_form_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

An ID or link to the host form you'd like to add someone to.

name str

The name of the user you'd like to add to the form.

role_name str

The name of the role you'd like to assign to the user (case sensitive)


/host remove

Removes someone from a host form manually.


Name Type Description Default
host_form_message Transform[str, MessageTransformer]

An ID or link to the host form you'd like to remove someone from.

name str

The name of the user you want to remove from the form.

role_name str

The name of the role you want the user to be removed from. (case sensitive)


/host list

Displays all of the available options for all host forms.

/host group

Creates a host form for a given activity.

Users can click buttons to sign up for roles for an activity. Once the group is completed, a Notify Players button can be clicked to display an overview of who signed up for which role, while mentioning the users who signed up.

When the roles_to_mention option is used, the roles will be pinged by the bot as long as the roles are mentionable by everyone or the user has the permissions to ping everyone. If this option is used and the thread option is also used, the ping will occur inside of the thread.


To create a thread, the user running the command and the bot will both need to have permission to create public threads in the current channel.


Name Type Description Default
activity_type str

The type of activity you'd like to host a group for, usually a game. Eg: RuneScape 3

activity_name str

The name of the activity you'd like to host.

description str

A description for the activity, this will be posted in the embed. Defaults to None.

required_roles Transform[str, RoleTransformer]

The roles required to sign up for this host form. Defaults to None.

date Transform[str, DateHoursMinutesTransformer]

A date for the host form: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. Defaults to None.

fill int

Whether the fill option should be added to the form. Defaults to not adding it.

reserve int

Whether the reserve option should be added to the form. Defaults to not adding it.

learner int

Whether the learner option should be added to the form.. Defaults to not adding it.

total_maximum int

Override the maximum amount of players that can sign up. Defaults to not overriding it.

thread int

Whether a thread should be created for this form or not. Defaults to not creating a thread. (Requires permission to create public threads in the current channel)

roles_to_mention Transform[str, RoleTransformer]

Optionally which roles should be mentioned, if a thread is enabled the roles will be mentioned inside of the thread

all_roles_are_combineable int

whether you would like all of the roles on the form to be combineable or not. Defaults to the usual role limitations.