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This command requires the administrator permission by default. To learn how to change this, please check the faq command.

/voicelogs ignore

Adds or removes channels from the voicelogs ignorelist.

Channels added here won't have their events logged by the voicelogs feature.


Name Type Description Default
add_or_remove Literal['add', 'remove']

Whether you want to add or remove a channel from the ignore list.


/voicelogs enable

Enable the Voice Logs feature.

This feature allows you to create a watch list of users. If one of these users joins a voice channel you can receive a ping about this. Other information such as when they leave a voice channel will also be sent but without notification.


Name Type Description Default
channel TextChannel

A channel where you'd like Voice Logs to be sent to.


/voicelogs disable

Disable the Voice Logs feature.

/voicelogs add

Add users to the Voice Logs watchlist, so you can be notified when they join a voice channel.


Name Type Description Default
users List[User]

The users you want to add to the voicelogs watchlist. Separated with a space


/voicelogs remove

Remove users from the Voice Logs watchlist, to no longer be notified when they join a voice channel.


Name Type Description Default
users List[User]

The users you want to remove from the voicelogs watchlist. Separated with a space


/voicelogs check

Verify which users are on the voicelogs watchlist.


Name Type Description Default
users List[User]

The users you want to check on the voicelogs watchlist. Separated with a space.


/voicelogs list

Display all of the users that are currently on the voicelogs watchlist.

/voicelogs roles

Configure which roles will be mentioned when someone on the voicelogs watchlist joins a voice channel.


Name Type Description Default
roles Transform[str, RoleTransformer]

The roles you want to be mentioned when someone on the watchlist joins a voice channel. Defaults to None - which would mean no roles get mentioned.


/voicelogs status

Shows your current logging settings for the Voice Logs feature.

/voicelogs settings

Allows you to configure which events get logged by the Voice Logs feature.

/voicelogs channel

Choose a channel for a specific voice log event type to get sent to. If you don't provide a channel, you'll change it back to the general voice logs channel.


Name Type Description Default
event vclog_event_literal

The event you'd like to modify the channel for.

channel TextChannel

The channel you'd like the logs for the event to get sent to.
