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This document will list most of the changes made to Friendlybot.

2024-08-30 - Improved Admin Logs message deletion logging

Added some extra checks so bulk message deletes should get logged again properly and improved the logging of messages that weren't cached.

2024-08-29 - Fixed an issue with Adminlogs Settings

Fixed an issue where your settings could get overwritten when using the dropdown selections of the /adminlogs settings command.

2024-08-22 - Relative time to Host Forms

Added a relative time to the Host Forms.

2024-08-15 - Goblin Raids Removed

The Goblin Raids were removed from the Jagex Clock.

Here's why: - The spawn time is an approximate estimation and if the update time is a different time, it will not be at :30 past. - The spawn time slowly shifts further with every raid that occurs. - The amount it shifts by is not the same in every world

2024-08-14 - Server Reminders

Added the ability to mention users with the server reminders feature.

2024-08-11 - Fixed issues

Fixed a breaking issue causing the Give Aways feature to not work correctly, impacting other functionality of the bot.

2024-08-03 - Added Ticketing Limits

  • Added the ability to configure limits for the ticketing feature.

2024-08-02 - Changed GE Graph

The Grand Exchange graphs were changed to be more visually clear for colourblind users and improved the readability of the numbers.

2024-07-24 - Thalmund's Stock Date Fix & Sanctum of Rebirth added

  • Added the Sanctum of Rebirth to the host forms
  • Fixed an issue where old Thalmund stock was displayed

2024-07-21 - Thalmund's Stock

I've just added some new things for Thalmund's Wares.

2024-07-02 - Ticket Transcripts Change

The transcripts module received an update so the update that was rolled back previously is now applied once again.

2024-07-01 - Ticket Transcripts Patch

Applied a fix for the ticketing transcripts, it seems some of the updated modules cause conflicts for now so I'm reverting that change. Additionally some preparation work was done for an upcoming feature for the ticketing functionality.

2024-06-29 - Sticky Roles Fix

A bug that sometimes caused sticky roles to not correctly be applied to users was fixed.

2024-06-22 - Audit Log Update

This should resolve some problems where a few audit log entries weren't converted to their actual action. (Meaning you saw an ID for them and not the actual entry name.)

2024-06-02 - Mod Actions

Mod Actions

I've added the Mod Actions feature.

This feature is tied into the Admin Logs and can be enabled by running /adminlogs modactions.

After you've enabled it the bot will start storing actions performed by your moderators, for which you can then use the /modactions commands for. The reason this is a separate set of commands is so you can allow your mods to also look up actions performed by or on a user, without necessarily allowing them to change the settings of the adminlogs.

The commands you'll be able to run are: /modactions user - looks up actions that were performed on a user, optionally filtered by an action. /modactions actioner - looks up actions performed by, optionally filtered by an action. /modactions id - looks up a specific action by its ID, which can be found by using one of the previous commands. This shows more detailed information about an action if there is any, for example if a user was given roles this will show which roles were given.

User Lookups

With this update I've also changed how user lookups are performed, they will no longer be separated by : but will now be space separated.

2024-05-25 - Server Reminders

You can now edit Server Reminders using the /serverreminders edit command.

2024-05-09 - Jagex Clock Voice of Seren

I've now once again re-activated the Voice of Seren on the Jagexclock! This is thanks to @Nyu for creating their Alt 1 app to help crowdsource the Voice of Seren data, and the RuneScape Wiki for providing an API with this data. If you'd like to help crowdsource this data and use Alt 1, make sure to check out their application!

2024-04-09 - Jagex Clock Fix

Changed the /jagexclock channels command. It now correctly handles changing the channel for a Wilderness Flash Event.

The reason this one behaved a bit differently was because these can have several event types. If a flash event has multiple event types it tries to find the first type with a differently-configured webhook and sends the event to that webhook.

2024-04-03 - Admin Logs Overhaul

I've added a ton of new things to the Admin Logs feature. There's a whole lot more events that get tracked with a lot more data attached to them.

These can all be disabled or configured to send their events to a specific channel. I'll be extending these admin logs more in the future so stay tuned!

Additionally, you can now have the admin logs ignore a category as a whole.

As a sidenote, tickets will now also provide a link to the online logviewer .

2024-03-09 - Achievement Tracker Optimisations

I've optimised a few bits of the achievement tracker and the clan achievement tracker.

This should make various lookups a lot faster.


Because of the way things are looked up I'm still limited in the amount of data I can request of the Jagex API.

2024-03-01 - Admin Logs, Voice Logs & Jagex Clock

  • Added a way to change which events get sent to which channel for the Admin Logs, Voice Logs and the Jagex Clock
  • Changed /unix to display more time formats
  • Fixed an issue with the editing of ticketing buttons, which sas introduced when optimizing the button lookups

You'll now be able to select which channel each individual event gets sent to!

For example if you'd like message_edits sent to a different channel you could run: /adminlogs channel followed by message_edits and the channel you'd like those events to get sent to.

If you'd like this event to default back to the original channel, you can run /adminlogs channel followed by message_edits and simply provide no channel!

Historical Changelog

This is the section with historical updates, going all the way back to 2019.

2024-02-12 - Jagexclock

I've just added Thalmund to the Jagexclock as well, so you can be reminded every Wednesday at midnight Thalmund is in the City of Um!

To have it enabled / added to your server you'll need to run the /jagexclock events command and select the ones you'd like to have enabled. If you'd like to have all enabled just click the All button in the prompt!

If you'd also like the roles created you can run the /jagexclock roles command.

To then re-generate the rolebuttons so people can sign up for these new roles you'll need to run either the /jagexclock rolebuttons or /jagexclock reactionroles commands.

2024-02-12 - Website Update

Some of you may have noticed already but this weekend I gave my website ( a bit of a facelift!

The website is completely rewritten in a new programming language too. It's still a work in progress so I'll definitely be working on adding more to it, but the aim is to keep things as clear as possible, which was not the case with the old website.

Hopefully you like the change!

2024-02-05 - Wilderness Flash Event

The Jagexclock should have been updated to include the new Wilderness Strykewyrm event!

Happy scaping

2024-02-01 - Server Reminders

New Feature

The new feature is Server Reminders. This feature allows you to configure a message to send in a channel at a specific time or date. Additionally the regular Reminders feature now allows you to pick a specific date to send the reminder on, rather than only accepting a relative date (eg: 10 mins from now) and it lets you more easily delete multiple reminders.

To create a server reminder, you simply run /serverreminders create followed by the channel you'd like to send the reminder in, when you'd like the reminder to be sent, optionally some roles to ping, and what you'd like the embed title / description to be.

Additional Changes

Some groundwork for extra error handling when a user is missing permissions has been laid out and is used for the server reminders already, I'll be making use of this for other features in the future as well. The Host Forms have received a change, previously you could only have roles mentioned if they were mentionable by everyone. Starting now you'll also be able to use roles you have the permission to mention.

Hope you like this new feature and these changes!

2024-01-28 - Anonymous Forms

I've just added the anonymous option to the /form command. This way you can have your users fill out forms anonymously!

Simply set the anonymous option to True when creating your form

2024-01-25 - Status Page

Sorry for the second ping in just over an hour but I'm excited to share this!

I've added a status page for the bot and related services! When there's maintenance or downtime you'll now also be able to check that page and see if there's any incidents or if any incidents have been resolved.

You can find the page here or by clicking the following link: The status page is also embedded on Friendlybot's Documentation so you can always find it there.

Not only does this show you all when there's any issues, it also means I'll get notified automatically if one of my services goes down, that way I can make sure to resolve the issues as soon as possible!

2024-01-25 - Ticketing Update

I've just added some new functionality to the Ticketing feature!

Your can now add or remove users from a ticket channel.

To add someone to the channel simply run /ticketing user add, followed by the user you'd like to add to the ticket inside of the ticket channel.

To remove someone from a ticket, simply run /ticketing user remove, followed by the user you'd like to remove from the ticket inside of the ticket channel.

In this update I've also optimised a few things and worked on something that'll be available :soontm: so stay tuned!

The bot will be down for a few moments but will be back online shortly ^^

2024-01-14 - Optimisation Updates

Restarting the bot quickly for optimisation, module and software updates.

Shouldn't take too long!

2024-01-12 - GE & Hostform Autocomplete Update

I've just released a QoL update to the GE lookups and Host Forms. They should now more reliably work when you don't select one of the options from the autocomplete and just write some text.

If you only provide part of the available options it'll try to look up the first available result, for example if you try to look up bandos on the GE, it'll look for the first available option, which would be Bandos armour in this case. The same is true for the host forms.

This should make it so you no longer really need to wait for the autocomplete to show up, so you can host your groups more quickly

2023-12-31 - Further Optimisation Update

First of all, happy new year! Hope you all have a wonderful time!

I've just restarted the bot quickly to make the secondary change I was referring to in the last message. The issue stemmed from an external module I was using, so for now I've opted not to use it for this anymore.

For now this means transcripts of bulk message deletes - logged by the admin logs - have been disabled. I'll work on doing this a different way, potentially without transcript files, in the near future!

Sorry for the inconvenience and once again, happy new year

2023-12-29 - Optimisation Update

I've located the source of the issue that was occasionally taking the bot down. To resolve this issue I'll be restarting the bot with a fix I've just implemented. If this fix doesn't solve it entirely I do know what I can do as a next step.

Hopefully the issue is resolved now

2023-12-28 - Optimisation Changes

I'll be restarting the bot now to launch some of the optimisation changes to resolve the aforementioned issues. It shouldn't take too long to restart. I'm still chasing up the issue but will doing a lot more investigating tomorrow as my brain has melted for today.

I'll keep you posted here!

2023-12-28 - Potential Disruptions

There may potentially be some disruptions. I'm investigating an issue that periodically causes the bot to crash. This is a slow process and can have an impact on regular operations at times, I also occasionally need to restart the bot.

Sorry for the inconvenience! Trying to sort it out on my holiday so it's a bit less than ideal <:PepeHands:717598992397238353>

2023-12-23 - Adminlogs & Voicelogs Ignore Channels

I've just added the ability to add certain channels to the ignore list of the Admin Logs and Voice Logs. You can do this by running the /adminlogs ignore and /voicelogs ignore commands respectively.

Hope you like it

2023-12-23 - Module Updates

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for some module updates and some preparation work for some other upcoming updates.

Stay tuned! ™️

Shouldn't take too long

2023-12-19 - Jagex Clock Issues

I'm aware of the issues with the Jagex clock, will be deploying a fix to potentially solve the issue. At the very least it'll be easier to debug.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

2023-12-03 - Forms

Forms Feature

You can define up to 5 questions your users need to answer, after which their responses will be forwarded to your chosen channel. It also allows you to choose whether you'd like to automatically create a thread for every user's response, and lets you pick whether you'd like to have reactions added to the responses automatically. ( 👍 / 👎 / 🤷‍♀️ ).

This feature is similar to the Ticketing Forms feature, but is a standalone questionnaire for when you only want the responses and do not want your users to create a ticket.

Patreon Tier

You're able to choose the text for the button users need to press to open the questionnaire and choose which emoji the button has, however this is for people with Tier 1 Patreon.

Hope you guys like it! Feel free to send in any feedback

2023-11-30 - Warning System

I've added a Warnings system!

This allows you to log warnings for problematic users and keep track of how many times they've been warned in the past.

You can find out how it works by running /warnings.

Let me know if you have any feedback, I'm always looking to improve things.

Hopefully you'll never need it! 😂

2023-11-24 - Host Form Update

I'll be restarting the bot quickly for some updates to the host forms. The "Reserve" role is now an option when you create your host form, rather than only being a predefined option for specific bosses.

Once the bot restarts you'll be able to set this one manually for any form!

2023-11-21 - Admin Logs

The legacy admin logs and voice logs transition period has ended.

Most servers should have been automatically moved over, more than a month ago. Unless you were given a warning repeatedly in your admin logs channel. If your server now no longer has working admin logs or voice logs please run the commands to enable them once more.

Note: If everything is working as it should, stuff should be working as normally.

2023-11-20 - Host Form - Vorkath

I added a Vorkath host form, currently it has Base and DPS as options but will adapt it where needed

Good luck fighting the dragon!

Achievement Trackers

Also as you may have noticed the trackers should be online again. I'm still monitoring them but things seem to be in order now!

2023-11-14 - Achievement Tracker

I've temporarily taken the trackers offline to do more debugging. Believe I've located the issue but I'm not entirely sure what caused it. After work tomorrow I can do some further work on it.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

2023-11-12 - Achievement Tracker

I'm aware of the achievement tracker incorrectly sending 120s of some people, I've launched a potential fix for it but am still investigating it!

Sorry for the inconvenience.

2023-11-11 - System & Module Updates

I'll be restarting the bot and related services for some system and module updates.

The bot will be offline for a little while, but will come back online shortly!

2023-11-05 - Ticketing Forms & Optimisations

I'll be restarting the bot for an addition to the Ticketing feature, namely: Ticketing Forms.

This feature allows you to configure a form with questions your users will have to answer before their ticket is created. These forms can be extensively customised, allowing you to mark questions as optional, define a min / max length, choose whether the answer box is small or large and so on.

You can enable this feature by running the /ticketing forms command.

The pricing for customising the ticketing feature has also been lowered as a thank you to everyone supporting me!

Additionally I've optimised a lot of the internal functionality of the ticketing, so it should be a bit faster overall.

Hope you guys like it!

2023-10-31 - Ticketing - Anonymous

I'll be restarting the bot for some adminlog / messaging optimisation updates along with an addition to the Ticketing system. You can now make ticket channels anonymous. This means they'll no longer use the username in the created ticket channel, but will use a number instead. This should help combat people using 3rd-party Discord clients, breaking the Discord Terms of Service.

Let me know if there's any issues!

2023-10-24 - Adminlogs, Voicelogs & Optimisation Updates

As mentioned in the last update I'll be moving to webhooks for the Admin Logs and Voice Logs features.

This change will be going live now! Once the bot restarts I'll be attempting to migrate every server to the new system automatically. If this fails in your server you'll see a DEPRECATION NOTICE in your channel for the admin logs / voice logs, along with instructions on how to set it up, when a new admin log is sent. The old way of sending things will expire on . If you don't see the deprecation notice you won't have to do anything!

Hopefully you'll notice the bot running a bit more smoothly now

2023-10-17 - Rate Limits - Update

I'll be restarting the bot for some changes to a ton of internal lookups for the bot. This means I've cut out a LOT of API calls to make sure the bot doesn't get rate limited as heavily.

There is however still some stuff to do, and part of what's left to do will require some 'breaking' changes.

In the following section I'll describe what will be changing for you in the future and what you can do if you'd prefer to opt out.

Upcoming Breaking Changes

The Admin Logs and Voice Logs features will start using webhooks to send their logs instead of sending a message directly to channels as they do now.

This change isn't happening for a while as I'll have to make sure the transition goes smoothly and to give those of you who'd prefer not using this system to opt out in advance.

When I'm ready for the transition I'll have the bot attempt to create a webhook in your currently-configured Admin / Voice Logs channel, if it has the required permissions (manage webhooks).

If the bot doesn't have the required permissions a webhook won't be made and the feature will cease to work until you provide the bot the correct permissions and run the appropriate (upcoming) command to make it.

Why webhooks?

A while ago I made a system, initially for the Achievement Trackers, which allows me to spread the messages that should get sent across various servers.

This makes it much more manageable to safely send messages and not get hit with rate limits as often.

A lot of other features already make use of these systems, like the Jagex Clock, the Pylon Notifications and Affiliate Events.

Opting Out

In case you don't want to transition to this system in the future you can disable the features and the bot won't attempt to make a webhook in your channel.

2023-10-16 - Rate Limits

I'm working on resolving the issue but there may be some problems for the time being.

Sorry for the inconvenience <:PepeHands:717598992397238353>

2023-10-13 - Updates

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for some updates.

2023-10-08 - Ticketing Optimisations

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for some ticketing optimisations and some updates to installed modules.

Shouldn't take too long

2023-09-18 - Clan Trackers

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for some updates along with the release of some new features! I've just added a new few commands to allow you to set up the Clan Trackers more easily. You can now run /clan request to request having your clan tracked.

Once your request gets approved you'll be notified and you'll now be able to run the /clan citadel enable and /clan achievements enable commands.

The Citadel Tracker will track your clan's visits, cappers and fealty. Additionally you can run the /cappers and /visitors commands to get all people who capped / visited since a given time.

The Clan Achievement Tracker will track your entire clan's achievements. If you're using the regular achievement tracker and have tracked your clan members manually, you'll need to either untrack them all with the /achievementtracker untrack command, or you can disable the regular tracker if you don't want to allow guests to sign up.

Note: These can be a bit spammy initially as they try to catch up on the last 7 days of logs. After that they'll calm down. Your clan list will get updated regularly as well, so if someone joins or leaves your clan they'll be tracked or untracked respectively.

Hope you guys like this

2023-09-12 - Bugfixes & Speed Optimisations

In this patch there's some speed optimisations along with a fix for host form 'group notifications'.

Shouldn't take too long

2023-09-09 - Achievementtracker Speed & Events Calendar

I've just launched an update that should speed up the achievement trackers even more!

Additionally I've added some sanity checks for events that are created when the bot doesn't have the required permissions to send messages into your events channel. If an event wasn't synchronised correctly you can run the /eventscalendar sync command after you've modified the permissions and the bot will then send it into the events channel!

Let me know if there's any bugs etc!

2023-09-02 - Connected & Trigger Roles

I've just launched an updated to the connected roles and trigger roles. You can now configure multiple of these roles to be required before the other roles are assigned / removed.

For example you can set it up so having both @Subscriber and @Donator gives you the @Cool Role and @Awesome Role. This applies to both connected and trigger roles!

Hope you like it!

2023-08-31 - Connected Roles

I've just added the opposite of the trigger roles functionality. Now introducing: connected roles!

Trigger Roles

Trigger Roles are roles you configure to automatically remove other roles when they're assigned to a user.

Connected Roles

Connected Roles however will automatically assign additional roles to a user.


You'd like someone who gets assigned the Subscriber role to also automatically get the Cool Role and the Awesome Role.

This can be configured by running: /connectedroles add role: @Subscriber roles_to_add: @Cool Role @Awesome Role

Hope you guys like it! I've got some other role-related features coming soon so stay tuned!

2023-08-26 - Module Updates

I'll be restarting the bot again to install some updates on the server and some of the installed modules. While it's restarting I'm also changing some more things to the caching to make the bot more memory efficient.

The bot will be back online shortly

2023-08-26 - Optimisations

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for some more optimisations. This update comes with some optimisations for API lookups and lookups in the bot's cache, as well as some improvements to the developer experience for me.

Shouldn't take too long

2023-08-25 - Caching Update

I'll be restarting the bot again shortly for another change to the bot's caching. A few more things have moved to my new system I mentioned in the last update as well.

It shouldn't take too long for the update to be done

2023-08-22 - Speed and Flexibility Optimisations

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for some significant optimisations to its startup time and to startup tasks. In this update I've also improved how the bot handles things like buttons, dropdowns, ... after a restart, making it easier for me to make changes and without having to restart the bot.

There's a fair few features now using the new system but not everything has been entirely moved over yet as I'd like to make sure it's all okay before I migrate everything over to the new system.

2023-08-18 - Sending Changes

I'll be changing the way some things get sent over, like the Jagex clock events, the Pylon and the Achievement Trackers.

This should only take a few moments but there might be some slight downtime on these features.

Thank you for your patience

2023-08-13 - Cache Changes

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for an update to how things are looked up. The system has been made more modular, so I won't have to restart the bot for any changes to this as often, making it easier for me to make further additions to it.

Shouldn't take too long

2023-08-07 - Necromancy

Sorry for another ping, the Achievement Tracker should have been updated for Necromancy! Hope you all enjoy the new content

2023-08-07 - Caching Fix

I'll be restarting the bot to fix an issue with looking up certain things from the cache. In some cases after a restart, the bot would try to find things in the cache, without attempting to look it up if it couldn't be found in the cache. This update should be resolving that!

It'll be back online shortly

2023-08-05 - Error Handling

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for some changes to the error handler I've made. Some features should get some more descriptive errors now and it makes it easier for future me when adding more error messages!

Shouldn't take very long for the bot to be back online

2023-08-05 - Optimisations - Suggestions & Bug Reports - Annual Patreon Subscriptions

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for some optimisation updates and for some changes to my suggestions / bug report tracking!


The optimisations are changes in preparation for the update to the admin logs, Jagex clock, Pylon and a few others as I've mentioned before. This isn't live yet as I still need to rest enough, but they should be coming sometime in the near future!

Suggestions & Bug Reports

Suggestions and bug reports will now be a lot easier for me to keep track of (in one place rather than several places).


Additionally Patreon just informed me I'm able to enable annual payments which I've just done. To thank you for your support you'll be eligible for a 10% discount if you decide to go for this option! Thank you all so much again for supporting me, it makes it possible for me to spread out the workload on the bot to keep everything running smoothly. I really appreciate it!

You can find a link to my Patreon here or by clicking the following link:

The bot should be online again shortly

2023-07-27 - System Updates

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for some server updates. This shouldn't take too long to process. The bot'll be back online afterwards!

2023-07-20 - Jagexclock Optimisations

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for an update to how the Jagex clock handles certain things. These changes are also in preparation for an upcoming update where I'll decrease the load certain features like the Jagex clock, Pylon and admin logs take on the bot.

2023-07-18 - Optimisation Updates

I'll be restarting Friendlybot and most other services shortly for some optimisation updates. This shouldn't take too long

2023-07-14 - Achievement Trackers

Just got home, the problem should have been resolved and the trackers will start tracking again shortly.

2023-07-14 - Achievement Trackers

I'm aware of some issues with the achievement tracker currently, I believe I already know what the problem is.

Will fix it as soon as I get home!

2023-07-12 - Optimisation Updates

This shouldn't take too long, the bot will be online again shortly!

2023-07-09 - Caching Update

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for a fix to the problems from earlier, which should stop the issue from occurring again. Thank you for your patience ❤️

2023-07-09 - Caching Issues

There's been a problem with the bot's caching causing it to not respond to certain commands and interactions.

I've restarted the bot and caching server for now which will fix it for the time being. I'll be looking into the issue shortly!

2023-07-03 - Installing Updates & Optimisations

I'll be restarting the bot to install some updates and for some optimisation changes. The bot will be back online shortly

2023-06-29 - Achievement Tracker Update

You may have noticed this already but I recently sped up the Achievement Tracker immensely. Things should now be much much faster and more stable. Additionally, the Cappers & Visitors commands are now enabled again as well. I'll be making some more changes soon like an easier way to manage the clan trackers for you in your servers.

2023-06-15 - Updates

There might be some small downtime while I'm installing these but as soon as these finish installing the bot will be back online!

2023-06-10 - Caching Update

This shouldn't take too long! :yay:

2023-05-25 - Host Form - Thread Notifications Fix

I'll be restarting the bot quickly for a fix to host form completion notifications. The next time you create a host form with the thread option and you press the Notify button, the notification will be sent to the thread.

The bot should be back online very shortly

2023-05-24 - Jagexclock Additions

I've added a few new things to the Jagexclock feature.

The new additions are: - Meg reminders - Goblin Raids - Seasonal Events (Happy Hour etc) - Arc Birds - Menaphos Cats

To have these enabled / added to your server you'll need to run the /jagexclock events command and select the ones you'd like to have enabled. If you'd like to have all enabled just click the All button in the prompt!

If you'd also like the roles created you can run the /jagexclock roles command.

To then re-generate the rolebuttons so people can sign up for these new roles you'll need to run either the /jagexclock rolebuttons or /jagexclock reactionroles commands.

2023-05-22 - Adminlogs & Voicelogs Settings

Adminlogs & Voicelogs - Settings I've added the ability to configure which kind of things you'd like to have logged by the adminlogs & voicelogs features.

You can now use the /adminlogs settings & /voicelogs settings commands to configure which events get logged.

Additionally you can see your current settings by using the /adminlogs status & /voicelogs status settings.

Additional Changes - XP Gained should now use the old format of 'xM XP' again - Several speed optimisations for various commands, such as /alog, /ge and some commands like adminlogs and voicelogs - Added the /eventscalendar mentionable command, so if you want the temporary roles that get created to be mentionable by everyone you can turn this on. - The symbol used to separate users or user IDs when providing multiple of these as an argument has changed from | to : The reason for this is to prevent some users being incorrectly handled.

2023-05-13 - Achievement Trackers

Just giving you a bit of an update on the trackers. I'm still working on making them faster than they currently are.

I won't be home today but I've found another few things I can do to make them much faster so I'll be working on that when I can!

Additionally I'll be making some other changes to make some of the achievements look nicer again - like X M exp instead of listing the long numbers.

Thank you everyone for your patience! <:yay:635899996948135956>

2023-05-11 - Achievement Trackers Update

I'm restarting the bot to launch the updates to the Achievement Trackers.

The trackers have been rewritten entirely and are now infinitely faster. After the bot restarts I'll be starting the trackers. There may be some achievements that get re-sent but hopefully this isn't too much of an issue.

This was a pretty significant rewrite as I've basically rewritten all of the trackers entirely from scratch. Hopefully you'll all like it and I haven't missed anything!

Note: Some commands will be unavailable for a while until I finish rewriting those as well. These are the /cappers and /visitors commands. Some of the boss emojis will also not work as they did before, I wanted to get this update out as soon as I could so they'll potentially return in the future. The /notifyme command will be unavailable for the foreseeable future, I'm not certain if it'll be returning.

2023-05-10 - Achievement Tracker - Update

I'm still working on the rewrite when I can, this is a significant project so it may take a while. There's been a good amount of progress on them thus far and I'll keep working on them when I'm off work.

As said before the trackers are currently running on a different server as temporary measure and unfortunately they're running more slowly than they did before. This will be resolved after the rewrite as it'll all be much much faster and more scalable.

Thank you for your patience.

2023-04-30 - Caching Fix

This shouldn't take long! <:yay:635899996948135956>

2023-04-18 - Affiliate Events Update

I'll be restarting the bot to launch a significant Affiliate Events update!

This update comes with a significant cleanup of the feature as a whole, along with some additional features.

Some of the things I've added: - the ability to manually publish events - a setting lets you toggle this and /affiliate events publish lets you manually publish events - the automatic removal of expired events from your notification channels - events created before a link or before you enabled receiving / sharing will now be synchronised - a more convenient command to see the current status of event sharing in your server: /affiliate events status - the /affiliate events settings command to change your affiliate events settings in one go, rather than having to run several commands

I'll also be adding a little tutorial showing how you can get the feature configured on my documentation site, as I did with the affiliate feature.

Hopefully you guys like this change! <:yay:635899996948135956>

Note: As always, if you experience any bugs please use the /bugreport command or create a ticket in my server!

2023-04-09 - GE Updates

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for some changes to the GE Lookups. These changes will make it more convenient to look up things based on the name of the items - even if the autocomplete may not have the item listed - and should make the prices listed more detailed!

It should only take several moments! <:yay:635899996948135956>

2023-03-29 - Module Updates

I'll be restarting the bot to install some updates. This shouldn't take too long! <:yay:635899996948135956>

2023-03-28 - Updates - Error Handling

2023-03-24 - GE Lookups & Optimisations

I'll be launching the GE feature now! The feature is designed to allow you to look up items on the Grand Exchange along with their trends and a graph displaying the average trend in the last 30 days.

I built this feature with scalability in mind, so there's external scripts handling things like the lookups, there's caching for the responses and so on.

With this update I'm also launching a bunch of optimisations to how the bot loads things in when starting up and how certain actions are performed, like the editing of your affiliate embeds in other servers.

Hopefully you like this update, I'd love to hear your feedback! <:yay:635899996948135956>

Note: As always, if you believe you've found a bug, please report it with the /bugreport command!

2023-03-22 - Optimisation Changes

The bot will be back online shortly <:yay:635899996948135956>

2023-03-21 - Ticketing - Threads

I've just added the option to use threads for ticket channels instead of regular text channels. You can configure this using the /ticketing threading command.

I'll be restarting the bot shortly to add this feature.

Once the bot's back online the documentation will be rebuilt, it should be available shortly here

2023-03-14 - Affiliate Events & Events Calendar

I've made some changes to the Affiliate Events and the Events Calendar features.

When you create an event in your server through Discord's events feature, invite links to your event will now be created as follows:

  • If your server has a vanity invite URL, this one will be used
  • If your server has a permanent invite URL for the Events Calendar channel, that URL will be used
  • If you server doesn't have either of those, a temporary invite will be created which expires after your event ends.

Hopefully that's a bit nicer for you all! <:yay:635899996948135956>

2023-03-08 - Achievement System Update

I'm installing some updates to the server running the achievement tracker and related scripts. Some services might be unavailable for a short while but should be up and running again shortly!

2023-03-02 - Caching Fix

I'll be restarting the bot quickly for a fix to the caching, shouldn't take very long!

2023-02-25 - Affiliate Events

I've made some changes to /affiliate links. The command will now also show the status of the /affiliate events feature.

The event statuses are outlined on the documentation as well: - Both your server and the other server share events with each other: ↔️ - The other server is receiving your events: ➡️ - Your server is receiving the other server's events: ⬅️

I've also slightly adapted the message that gets sent to the servers who are receiving your events, so it more clearly states what server the event came from. <:yay:635899996948135956>

2023-02-23 - System Updates

This might take a little while, sorry for the inconvenience!

2023-02-19 - Affiliate Events

I'll be restarting the bot for updates to some modules and the release of a new feature!

Affiliate Events I've added the possibility to share events you create in your server with your affiliates!

This feature relies on the Event Calendar to share your events.

To get started with this, you'll need to first link your server with an affiliate.

Receiving Events You can run the /affiliate events receiving command to toggle this on or off. When turning this on, you'll need to provide a channel for a webhook to be added to - this is where the events will get sent to. There's also an additional option that lets you enable receiving events from every server.

To only receive events from a specific server or change the behaviour so all events will be received, you can run the following command: /affiliate events receive_from

Sharing Events You can run the /affiliate events sharing command to toggle this on or off. There's an additional option that will let you choose to share your events with all servers you're affiliated it.

If you want to specifically configure which servers you'll share events with, you can run the following command: /affiliate events share_to

Once you've configured this and another server configured wanting to receive your events, you can simply create an event through Discord's events feature. The Events Calendar feature will then make sure your events get sent out to the servers that have connected with yours.

I hope you guys like this update! Definitely let me know if you have any feedback. <:yay:635899996948135956>

Note: If you find any bugs, please run the /bugreport command to submit a report.

2023-02-08 - Jagexclock & Hotfix Tracker

Twitter recently announced they'll be charging a fee for API access. Current rumors name prices not feasible:

What this means is that some of the features of the Jagexclock (especially the Voice of Seren) and the <#893441617703362590> will no longer be available to me soon.

I'll be changing some parts of the Jagex clock that still use Twitter (only a select few) where I can, so they won't be reliant on it. The Voice of Seren is unfortunately not available elsewhere currently, which a few of us devs have discussed with Jagex.

I'm still a bit sick at the moment so the changes to the Jagex clock will be postponed until I've recovered, which hopefully shouldn't take too long.

The affected notifications I can think of currently are: - Voice of Seren - Warbands - Vorago / Rax / ROTS Rotation Changes - Minigame Spotlight - Weekly / Monthly Resets

All of the above - barring Voice of Seren - will be implemented into the bot directly when I can.

Sorry for the inconvenience! ❤️

2023-02-03 - Webhook Optimisations

I've optimised the way things are sent so things should now be even faster along with some additional stability in case one of the services goes down.

The update should only take a few moments!

2023-02-02 - Updating Modules

2023-01-24 - Discord Slash Command Issues

You can find out more about the status of the issue here:

2023-01-19 - Installing Updates

2023-01-15 - Webhook Optimisations & Jagex Clock Change

This is quite a significant change but should make it much faster for messages to get sent to webhooks. Affected things will be things like the Jagex Clock, Pylon announcements, travelling merchant and more.

This change will be useful for other new features in the future, and will be implemented in the achievement tracker / clan tracker once I get around to reworking those entirely.

Jagex Clock The Jagex Clock has received an extra feature as well, it's now possible to select which events will get broadcasted to your server. To configure this, use the following command: /jagexclock events

Additionally, Wilderness Flash Events will now state what the next upcoming event is and when the next Special Event will be.

Note: If you encounter any bugs please let me know by submitting a bug report with the /bugreport command.

2023-01-12 - Updates & Emoji Change

I'll be restarting the bot for some updates, additionally I'm changing how emojis are handled. Discord supports some non-standardised emojis which should now work for things like rolebuttons, reaction roles, ...

2023-01-10 - Achievement Tracker - Issues Resolved

The issues have been resolved! Sorry for the inconvenience.

2023-01-10 - Achievement Tracker

I'm currently working on resolving the issue.

2022-12-27 - Caching / Database Changes

This update should make some things faster and more efficient.

As always please submit a /bugreport if you spot any issues!

2022-12-25 - Module Updates

Shouldn't take too long!

Happy holidays to everyone who celebrates them! <:yay:635899996948135956>

2022-12-24 - Server Updates

2022-12-22 - Patreon Color Updates & Optimisations

If you're a Tier 2+ Patreon subscriber, you can now configure a default color for all of your embeds. You can do this by using the /defaultembedcolor command.

If you're a Tier 3+ subscriber you can now change the colors of any button(s) the bot posts. You're also able to change the color of any embeds (even those that use a standardised color.) You can do this by using the following commands: /embedcolor /buttoncolor

2022-12-18 - Module Updates

2022-12-14 - Quick Restart

2022-12-14 - Stability Updates & Minor Additions

Additionally I've added a few extra things: - Herb reminders now have an option for the speedy growth reward from Sydekix's Reward Shop, which reduces the time for herbs to grow by 20 minutes. - The events calendar will now delete the event notification messages after the event is over.

2022-11-19 - Module Updates

Shouldn't take too long for it to be back online!

2022-11-14 - Updates

2022-11-08 - Embeds Update & Interaction Stability

You can now use \n in command parameters where you have to provide a description for embed creation. The \n will be replaced by a new line. Before now you weren't able to do this due to how Discord handles command parameters. This is for things like /rolebuttons, /host forms, /ticketing button settings, ...

Additionally I'm changing a bunch of transformers that make it easier for me to guarantee your input is consistent, or transformed correctly where possible. This'll make it easier for me to handle certain edge cases and make changes to these in the future.

2022-11-07 - Monthly & Weekly Reminders

2022-10-25 - Update - Pink Skirt Events, Events Calendar, Giveaways

Pink Skirt Events You can now be notified about the in-game RuneScape events once more! I've worked to have these events added to the RuneScape Discord automatically, and incorporated them into the Events Calendar feature.

Should you choose to enable these notifications, you'll automatically be sent links to these events. If you click the Interested button after joining the RuneScape Discord server, you'll be assigned a temporary role which will automatically get pinged when the event starts.

To enable this feature, run /pinkskirtevents enable followed by the channel you'd like these notifications sent to.

Events Calendar I've made some changes to the Events Calendar feature! Instead of sending embeds with buttons like it used to do, it now sends a link to the event. One of the reasons for this change was to make sure editing an event doesn't cause unnecessary load on the bot and to make edits occur nearly instantly. (This will be especially useful for an upcoming feature I have planned!)

Instead of signing up for the temporary role through a button, you can now simply press Interested on the event! That way it doesn't matter where your users signify they're interested, they will receive the temporary role.

As usually when the event ends or is cancelled, this temporary role is deleted.

To enable this feature, run /eventscalendar enable followed by the channel you'd like the event links to appear in and the channel you'd like the notifications to be sent to.

After that you can create an event in your server by clicking in the top left corner and hitting Create Event.

Giveaways The Giveaways feature has also received some updates. I've added a command which allows you to re-roll winners and added a command which allows you to see how many people are participating.

As always, make sure to check out the documentation for a more detailed explanation. I hope you like these changes! <:yay:635899996948135956>

2022-10-21 - Wilderness Flash Events & Jagexclock

The Jagex Clock reaction roles now work correctly again. When there's more than 20 reaction roles, it'll create two embeds instead.

The Jagex Clock role buttons will do something similar but only when there's more than 25 Role buttons!

What do I need to do? To get the new roles configured you'll have to run the /jagexclock roles command again.

Sorry for the inconvenience of having to run the command again, a lot of people requested to at least split the event types up so people can be notified for the actual event they are interested in.

2022-10-18 - Wilderness Flash Events

If you'd like to have this also ping a role, make sure to run the /jagexclock roles command again!

2022-10-11 - Host Form - Big Changes

I had to move away from having a "subcommand" for every type of activity (eg: RuneScape 3, Oldschool RuneScape, ...) to add more functionality to them. Discord has certain limitations for commands and subcommands, and having each of these activity types as a subcommand meant I couldn't add any more options (or additional activity types - like a new game for example)

This means the command had to be renamed and there'll be a new option, namely "activity type".

New Command Name: /host group

Additionally, I've added a way for you to allow people to combine every role. This can be done by using the new "all_roles_are_combineable" option, and selecting "Yes".

2022-10-07 - Update - Days Hours Minutes

Restarting the bot quickly to resolve an issue where reminders weren't correctly being processed.

2022-10-05 - Quick Restart

Heya, doing a quick restart for a bug fix. Should only be a moment again!

2022-09-30 - Achievement Tracker - Downtime

I plan on moving these to another host in the future which should prevent this. Hopefully it won't take too long until services are restored.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

2022-09-28 - Updates

I'll be restarting the bot for some quick updates, services will be down for a short while but should be back online soon!

2022-09-22 - Updates

2022-09-21 - Maintenance Completed

Thank you for your patience the maintenance has been completed! This should help prevent some cases where one of the servers goes down and is unreachable

2022-09-21 - Maintenance

This shouldn't take very long!

2022-09-16 - Quick Updates

2022-09-14 - Restarting for updates

2022-09-05 - Host Form Additions

Restarting the bot once again for some additions to the host forms.

You'll now be able to use the roles_to_mention option to mention a role or several roles when creating a host form. Note: The role has to be mentionable to be mentioned!

The Reserve role will now override the total maximum. If someone's signed up as reserve it'll still increase the user count by 1, meaning if 10 people signed up for roles and 1 person signed up as reserve it'll show as 11/10, to indicate there's one extra.

2022-09-04 - Emojis Change

Restarting the bot to allow you to use emojis the bot can't see for things like reaction roles, rolebuttons, roledropdowns, ...

In the case of reaction roles, the bot won't add the reaction itself but you can still use that reaction to assign or unassign the role.

2022-09-03 - Speed Optimisations & Module Updates

I'll be restarting the bot shortly for some speed optimisations & module updates, once the bot restarts it may play catch-up for a little moment but after that various things should be a bit faster than before.

2022-08-30 - Tracking Change

The /achievementtracker track command is now just /track. This means it's no longer a subcommand of the achievement tracker command group, meaning server owners are able to configure who can track themselves in their server through the integrations tab, without having to give users permission to the other achievementtracker commands.

2022-08-30 - Fixes and Changes

  • Fixed several of the host form combineable roles.
  • Changed the 'Date' on host forms to list the provided date, below it it will list 'Local Time' to try and make it more clear.
  • Traveling Merchant announcements will one again send the stock for the correct date.

2022-08-27 - Fixes

Just restarted the bot for some fixes, you should no longer get a default date for host forms among a few other things.

2022-08-26 - Friendlybot Rewrite

The full rewrite of Friendlybot is finally here! Every command is now also a slash command. While I launch this update there may be some small downtime as I get everything set up and ready to go.

This was a very significant project, as I've completely rewritten about 95% of the bot. Everything is now much faster, more user-friendly and more optimised! With this rewrite I've also created new documentation which you can find here:

After the update you can configure who can use which command in the Integrations tab in your server.

I look forward to hearing what you all think about this update! Hopefully the bot will be more convenient for you all to use. Thank you all so much for the ongoing support, I really appreciate it ❤️

Additional Notes Events feature The events feature has turned into an events calendar with reminders. After you enable this feature you no longer have to set up events through use of commands, instead you can set up your event in Discord itself, which will automatically update the events calendar!

2022-03-06 - Ticketing Rework

The entire ticketing feature was reworked!

    This was a significant overhaul and the old system will soon be discontinued. 
    Existing tickets will still work, but you will no longer be able to make new tickets with the old system or enable the old system.

    If you used the old system, please read the section **Moving Over**.

    **What's new?**
    The ticketing system now uses buttons, which can be clicked by users to create a ticket.
    When someone clicks the button, a channel will be created and the configured role(s) will be mentioned to alert them a new ticket is available.

    These buttons can be customised extensively, depending on your [Patreon]( tier.
    If you'd like a full overview and a more in-depth explanation of these commands, please click [here](

    • `ticketing enable` - followed by role(s) enables the ticketing feature and creates a category and logchannel for tickets and logs to be sent to
    • `ticketing disable` - disables the Ticketing feature again, existing tickets can still be closed and deleted

    • `ticketing button` - creates your customisable ticket button
            - Free users can spawn 1 button.
            - As `Tier 3` Patreon or <@&695396115629080606>, you can spawn up to `3` customisable buttons.
            - As `Tier 5` Patreon or <@&906135098955538462> you can spawn an infinite amount of customisable buttons.

    • `ticketing buttons` - displays all of your ticket buttons along with their settings 
    • `ticketing deletebuttons` - optionally followed by `button IDs`, will delete `all` ticketing buttons or the buttons matching the provided IDs
    • `ticketing buttontext` - followed by a `button ID` and text, changes the text displayed in the embed of a button to the provided text 
        __Note__: This command requires a Patreon tier of `1`, the <@&695388225899987045> package.

    • `ticketing channel` - followed by a `button ID` and text, changes the default name a ticket will have when created with this button. Eg: `#coolticket-friendliness1337`
        __Note__: This command requires a Patreon tier of `2`, the <@&695395909122392085> package.

    • `ticketing message` - followed by a `button ID` and text, sets the new message a user will be greeted by in their ticket to the message you provided
        __Note__: This command requires a Patreon tier of `3`, the <@&695396115629080606> package.

    __Note__: The following commands require a Patreon tier of `4`, the <@&906137591840124969> package.
    • `ticketing category` - followed by a `button ID` and `category ID`, changes the category tickets will appear in when a user clicks this button
    • `ticketing roles` - followed by a `button ID` and `@Roles`, changes which roles will be able to moderate tickets created with this button
    • `ticketing logchannel` - followed by a `button ID` and `#channel`, sets the logchannel for tickets created with this button to the provided channel

    **Moving Over**
    If you had the old ticketing system enabled, you'll have to enable it again.

    You can do this by using the following command:
    `-ticketing enable` followed by role(s) you want to be able to handle your tickets.

    The bot will then create a `Ticketing` category along with a `#tickets-log` channel.

    Once you've done that, you simply spawn your ticketing button and users can start creating a ticket.
    To do this, use the following command:
    `-ticketing button`

    You're now free to customise your button as you please, with one of the commands in the `New Commands` section.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2022-02-06 - Feature Added

I've just optimised the Admin Logs feature, additionally I've added a Voice Logs feature, along with a Watch List.

    This feature is designed to allow you to log voice channel actions, such as people joining or leaving a voice channel, mutes or deafens, etc.
    With this you can set up a `Watch List`, along with roles that should be notified when a user on the watch list joins a voice channel.

    The new commands for the voicelogs are the following:

    • `voicelogs enable` - (optionally followed by an existing channel) enables the Voice Logs feature and creates a channel (or selects the optional provided channel for logging) 
    • `voicelogs disable` - disables the Voice Logs feature again
    • `voicelogs roles` - followed by a role or several roles, sets up the role(s) that should be notified when a user on the `Watch List` joins a voice channel 
    • `voicelogs list` - lists all of the users currently on the `Watch List`
    • `voicelogs check` - followed by a user or several users, checks if the provided users are currently on the `Watch List` 
    • `voicelogs add` - followed by a user or several users, adds the provided users to the `Watch List`
    • `voicelogs remove` - followed by a user or several users, removes the provided users from the `Watch List`

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2021-12-31 - Significant Changes

I've just made some changes to the bot: - A lot of things have been optimised significantly. - Admin Logs now keep track of more things (with more to come) & accurately display who did an action where possible.

    This update was a big step on the way to adding functionality like `Threads`, `Buttons` & `Slash Commands` and making it easier for everyone to run these commands, with things like parameter hints etc.
    Stay tuned for a lot of changes in the coming year, like the Ticketing overhaul, with a way to use ticket buttons.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2021-07-31 - Jagex Clock - Reaction Roles

An additional command was added to more easily set up reaction roles for the Jagex Clock. The command will send an embed with all of the roles the -jagexclockroles command creates.

    To use this command, simply type `-jagexclockreacts`

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2021-07-13 - Travelling Merchant / Jagex Clock

The Jagex Clock now also announces the Travelling Merchant's stock daily.

    A new role for the `-jagexclockroles` command was added for this, namely: `Travelling Merchant`.

    To have this role added to your server, simply run the `-jagexclockroles` command again.
    The command will look for existing roles and update the stored roles accordingly, but will also create the new role for you.

    There are a few new commands you can now use to check the Travelling Merchant's stock.

    `-merch` will show you the current stock.
    `-merchweek` will show you the stock for the next **7** days.
    `-merchfind`, followed by an item, will show you the next **3** times this item is in stock.

    For example: `-merchfind livid` would show you the next **3** times the Livid Plant is in stock.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2021-07-08 - [New Roles] Jagex Clock

The Jagex Clock now has a few additional roles you can have mentioned.

    The new roles are: `Araxxor Rotation`, `RotS Rotation`, `Vorago Rotation`, `Weekly Reset` and `Monthly Reset`.

    As you've probably already realised, these would mention Araxxor, RotS & Vorago rotation changes and the Weekly & Monthly D&D resets.

    However, to benefit from this change you'll have to run the `-jagexclockroles` command again.
    The command will look for existing roles and update the stored roles accordingly, but will also create these new roles for you.

    All of the available roles are: `Amlodd`, `Cadarn`, `Crwys`, `Hefin`, `Iorwerth`, `Ithell`, `Meilyr`, `Trahaearn`, `Wildernesss Warbands`, `Spotlight`, `Araxxor Rotation`, `RotS Rotation`, `Vorago Rotation`, `Weekly Reset` and `Monthly Reset`.

    You can find more information about the Jagex Clock feature [here](

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2021-06-26 - Additional Info:

There's also more information you can find here on the Wiki. Hopefully the format is a bit okay, though it is subject to change.

Do note that the Wiki is still a work in progress.

2021-06-26 - [Temporary Voice Channels] Complete Overhaul!

Temporary Voice Channels have been completely redone!

    The channels now allow a whole series of things you can configure for your server, such as:
        - Should the channels be hidden by default?
        - Should users be able to manage their channels?
        - Should users be able to use commands to manage their channels?
        - Is there a default name for the channels?
        - Is there a channel logs should be sent to?
        - Are there any roles that should be able to manage these channels? (Eg: Moderators)

    This was a pretty significant overhaul, so I hope you all enjoy the changes!

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2021-03-15 - [Host Forms + Events] Host Forms can now be linked to Events!

It's now possible to connect a host form to the events you can create!

    When selecting either `PvM` & `Minigames` as the Event Type, you'll be asked if you want to also connect a host form.
    If you choose to do as such, you can use one of the available options for the Host Forms, eg: `aod`.

    When you then use the `-events` command to send out all of the current events, a host form will automatically be posted right after the event.
   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2021-02-13 - [Perks] Added Perk Aliases

I've just added aliases for perks, used in the -perk command. If there's any alias you'd like to see added, feel free to send it in with the -suggest command.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-12-04 - Would you like to see the proposed -host form... | StrawPoll

What's your opinion? Vote now: Yes, No

2020-11-11 - [Major Update] Added the Affiliates Feature

I've added the Affiliates Feature!

    A lot of the embeds that used Cygrid's affiliates feature may already be stored in the database, thanks to <@97928972305707008> handing over the information.

    Sadly I wasn't able to get all the currently stored posts or links, however, having everyone re-link and re-post ensures the Friendlybot is in the servers that can be linked.
    Below I've listed some steps you can take to set up the affiliate system:

    You can easily check if your server's embed was already stored by typing: `-affiliate self`.
    If it posts your embed, that means it's stored! To edit this embed, type: `-affiliate edit`.

    If your embed isn't stored or it seems like the affiliates feature isn't enabled you can follow these steps:

    Enable the Affiliates Feature:
    `-affiliate enable`

    Create your embed:
    `-affiliate embed "Title Here" "A description" "Contact Information" "Invite URL"`

    [! Everyone Will have To Follow The Following Steps !]
    Link to other servers:
    `-affiliate link` followed by a server's ID or several server ID's.

    Post every server's embed:
    `-affiliate post all`

    Again a big thanks to <@97928972305707008> for trusting me with taking over this awesome feature he made for Cygrid! ♥
    To implement everything I took my own approach but tried to make the change as painless as possible by using similar commands.
   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-10-19 - [Archaeology] Added Commands for Rex

I've added commands for the "Orthen Pylon" notifications.

    These are the same as the Pylon commands, but use "Rex" instead of "Pylon".

    So for example:
        `-Rex`   -> `-Rex` 
        `-NotifyPylon`   -> `-NotifyRex`
        `-PylonSettings`     -> `-RexSettings`

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-09-29 - [Discord Change] Converted to use Intents

Discord has changed the way developers have to interact with their API.

    On your end nothing really changes, however I did want to send out an announcement in case this transition breaks anything.
    Definitely send in a report if you notice a feature isn't working.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-09-18 - [QOL] Administrator Roles & Commands

In this update I've added the possibility to set administrator roles.

    This means that you can now enable commands the roles can use.
    For example, if you'd like your administrators to be able to purge messages you can now do that.

    To enable this you type: 
    - `-adminrole @Admin` - to enable the administrator roles.
    - `-admincommands add purge` - to allow the people with the Admin role to use the purge command.

    To see which commands can be enabled or are currently enabled, type: `-admincommands show`
    More information is available in: `-help adminrole` or `-help admincommands` or on my [website](

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-08-05 - [Medium Update] Efficiency & Emotes - Achievement Trackers

The Achievement Trackers have had a big overhaul!

    Discord seems to have updated webhooks, if the `@everyone` role has permission to use external emotes, a webhook can actually use custom emotes in any server now!

    To make use of this update I changed the Achievement Trackers so they'll use emotes.
    Currently the "Manual" Achievement Tracker doesn't do this yet, but that'll be added shortly.

    I've also made a lot of the Achievement Tracking way more efficient, so that should be noticeable too.
   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-07-24 - [Medium Update] GiveAway Roles Added

The GiveAways Feature was updated.

    You can now pick roles that are allowed to host giveaways with the `-giveawayrole` command.

    To set roles: `-giveawayrole set` followed by a role or several roles. 
    To unset these: `-giveawayrole unset`

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-07-17 - [Medium Update] Host forms optimised

The host forms just got another update, it's now more optimised and easier for me to make changes.

    Hopefully on your end this shouldn't be too noticeable, besides a speed-increase.
    In the long run it's now a lot easier for me to make changes or handle niche cases.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-07-11 - [Minor Update] Changed host forms to have role limits

It's now a lot easier for me to set up limits to the amount of users that can sign up per role.

    This change means some current Yakamaru forms for example may not work as you expect them to. 
    The role `Stun 5 x2` is removed, as 2 people can now sign up for the normal `Stun 5` role.

    If you have any suggestions, like which role should have which "maximum" amount of people, just let me know!

    Sorry for any inconvenience!
   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-07-07 - [Minor Update] Added PvM Rotations for certain bosses

You can now check the current path at Araxxor, current Vorago rotation and the current ROTS rotations.

    To get all of the rotations, type: `-pvm`
    To get the current Araxxor path, type: `-araxxi`
    To get the current Vorago rotation, type: `-vorago`
    To get the current ROTS rotation, type: `-rots`

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-06-26 - [Major Update] Pylon Notifications

The Pylon notifications command has changed drastically, it now uses webhooks instead of sending a message to your channel.

    This should greatly speed up the speed of the notifications and makes it way more scalable overall.
    As long as my bot has the permission to create webhooks in your server you shouldn't have to do anything.

    If the bot doesn't have the permissions to create webhooks, enable those permissions and simply run the command to set the notifications up again.
    (`-notifypylon enable #channelname`)

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-06-01 - [Major Update - Breaking Change] Completely changed the Hosts feature

The host feature has drastically changed, this'll make it easier for me to make changes in the future.

    The bot should now be a lot faster at signing people in and out. 
    Additionally I reworked it so the bot can actually properly count how many people are currently signed up, and notifiy someone when they try to sign up when the group is already full.

    This rework was pretty huge and mainly makes it a lot easier for me to make changes in the future and maintain the feature.

    ❗ Once I update the bot all current host forms will unfortunately break, so if that's the case just create a new one and it should be okay again! ❗

    I'm very sorry for any inconvenience, but long-term this'll be beneficial to everyone who uses it!      
   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-05-26 - [QOL Update] Added a Unibancheck command

Admins of Discord servers can now use the: -unibancheck command to verify if someone is already on the Universal Banlist.

    It's a small Quality of Life update, but seeing the current flood of "Twisted Bow Giveaway" and "Free Membership" spamm accounts, I felt like it could be useful.
    This means you can check if they're already on my list before sending in a message.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-05-24 - [QOL Update] Added the EventsRole command

I added an EventsRole command that allows you to set a role that gets mentioned when a reminder for an event is sent.

    That way you can set a role to be mentioned for all events while still allowing people to sign up for a specific event.

    To set a role: `-eventsrole set @Events`
    To remove the role: `-eventsrole unset`.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-04-28 - [Major Update] Reworked the entire Reaction Role Systems

Made a lot of changes to the entire way Reaction Roles work.

    This should make it easier for me to make changes in the future and should make it faster for roles to be given through the reaction role system.
    The `Roles` command is also enabled again, it allows you to quickly find out which reaction roles are added and where to find them!

    Because this was such a big rework, it's possible there are some issues, although I obviously hope that's not the case.
   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-04-23 - [Major Update] Made Error Messages Way More Descriptive

A lot of the error messages for commands are now way more descriptive.

    This was a big rework so let me know what you think!
    Hopefully this will make things a bit clearer to some of you.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-04-22 - [Major Update] Added the ability to disable commands

You can now disable certain commands in your server.

    To disable a command, type : `-disablecommand` followed by the name of a command or several commands.
    To enable a command again: `-enablecommand` followed by the name of a command or several commands.
    To see the list of currently disabled commands type: `-disabledcommands`.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-04-20 - [Major Update] Added the ability to Ignore Channels

You can now let the Friendlybot ignore channels without interfering with its read / send permissions! That way the Admin Logs feature still works.

    To ignore a channel: `-ignorechannel` followed by a channel or several channels. Example: `-ignorechannel #channel1 #channel2`.
    To unignore a channel: `-unignorechannel` followed by a channel or several channels. Example: `-unignorechannel #channel1 #channel2`.
    To see the list of currently ignored channels type: `-ignoredchannels`.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-04-16 - [Major Update] Added Pylon Notification Settings

I added the ability to choose whether you'd like to be notified when the Pylon hits 95%, 100% and the ability to toggle being pinged or not. Some examples:

    To disable being pinged: `-pylonsettings disable ping` to enable this again: `-pylonsettings enable ping`.
    To disable being notified at 95%: `-pylonsettings disable 95`, to enable this again: `-pylonsettings enable 95`.
    To disable the 100% notification: `-pylonsettings disable 100` to enable this again: `-pylonsettings enable 100`.
    To view your current settings, type: `-pylonsettings` or `-pylonsettings show`.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

I've greatly changed the way the Hosts feature works, this should have sped up both reaction the host forms & the reaction roles! It's also significantly easier for me to make adaptations in the future.

    This was a fairly big rework, so definitely let me know if you spot any issues!

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-04-11 - [Major Update] Added Perk Combos Command

Added a command that helps you check what the best combinations for most Best In Slot perks are. You can check the perks that are currently available by using the -perks command, and then request the combination & chance by typing: -perk followed by the perk name! More perks will be added in the near future.

    A lot of contributors and members of the staff in the Archaeology Discord helped me collect all the data for this from the RS Wiki, we hope you'll enjoy this feature!

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-04-08 - [Major Update] Pylon Notifications Command Added

Added a command to be notified when we notify people in the Archaeology Server in the <#694470387630604308> channel! This will make it so you can get pinged in a channel of your choosing in another Discord server.

    To enable this feature, type: `-notifypylon enable` followed by a #channel and optionally a role to be pinged, if you don't give a role as an argument the bot will create its own role.
    To disable this feature again, type: `-notifypylon disable`.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-04-07 - [Minor Update] Pylon Command

Added a -Pylon command which lets you get the current Pylon status from the Archaeology Server in the <#694470387630604308> channel!

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-03-31 - [Major Update] Efficiency Overall

Various features have been made more efficient, lowering the impact of all of the features on the bot overall.

    This affects: `Bad Words`, `Reaction Roles`, `Sticky Roles`, `Join Roles`, `Admin Logs` and some other features.
    I'm currently still changing various features to make them more efficient, so if there are any issues please send them in!

    On the surface these changes won't be very noticable, but you should notice the bot being faster.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-03-25 - [Minor Update] Bad Words Deletion

Added the option to have bad words deleted instead of spoilered.

    You can change modes by typing: `-badwords spoiler` to have it set to spoilermode.
    To have words deleted instead, type: `-badwords delete`.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-03-25 - [Major Update] Bad Words Spoiler

Added a feature to the bot that allows you to automatically have certain words turned into spoilers, that way you can prevent harrassment. As always: this is opt-in, so you won't automatically censor certain words! The words that are to be modified are also defined by the server using the feature.

    To enable this feature, type: `-badwords enable`.
    To disable this feature, type: `-badwords disable`.

    If you'd like to add words to the bad wordslist: `-badwordslist add` followed by the words, separated by spaces.
    To remove words again, type: `-badwordslist remove` followed by the words, separated by spaces.
    You can see the list of current bad words by typing: `-badwordslist list`.

   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-03-22 - [Major Update] Improved Achievement Tracker & Citadel Tracker

Just made the Achievement Tracker & Citadel Trackers a whole lot faster. This increase in speed should be pretty dramatic, I'm however still limited by the adventure log and the rate at which achievements appear.

    Because there was such a large amount of clans and users making use of the script, this should at least make it faster for everyone altogether!        
   __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-03-17 - [Update] Added Uniunban Feature

Just added a uniunban feature to the Discord bot.

    Let's say you have a user who's banned by the Universal Banlist, but you don't entirely agree with the ban or have another reason you don't want them to get banned automatically.
    You can now ensure they don't get banned automatically, by adding them to a list of "Ignored Users" for your server. This means you can still ban them manually, or remove them from the list to get them banned automatically again.

    To add someone to this "Ignored" List, you can type: `-UniUnban add` followed by a Discord ID or several Discord ID's. To remove them from this ignore list, you can type: `-UniUnban remove` followed by their Discord ID or Discord ID's.

    __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-03-14 - [Major Update] Added Sticky Roles

Sticky Roles are roles that will be re-assigned to someone if they leave with this role. You can enable it by typing -stickyroles enable followed by a role or several roles.

    This could be useful for things like "ban evasion" etc.
    If you enable this for the `Muted` role for example, and then someone with the muted role leaves your server, the role will "stick" to them.
    Should they rejoin your server, they'll automatically get the muted role again.

    To disable this feature again, type `-stickyroles disable`.

    If you want to clear the list of users that have sticky roles type `-stickyroles clear`.

    __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-03-12 - [Major Update] Admin Logs Added

The Administration Logs feature is now public!

    You can enable it by typing `-adminlogs enable` followed by an optional channel. 
    This will send all types of logs to the defined channel or the channel created by the bot.
    Things like users joining, leaving, role changes, name changes, message edits, deleted message etc. are then sent to this channel.

    To disable this feature again, type `-adminlogs disable`.
    __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-03-06 - [Medium Update] Ticketing was improved

Tickets will now forward all messages sent in the tickets channel to the Tickets Log channel.

    This way there's an actual ticket log, rather than just a log of who sent their ticket in and when they did so.
    __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-03-06 - [Major Update] Drastically changed the way the host forms work

I just changed near enough everything related to the host command, this should speed up the way the form works and make it easier to make changes in the future. Hopefully you'll notice an improvement when using it!

    Because this change is so big, definitely let me know if something isn't working correctly!
    __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-02-27 - [Major Update] Changed the way a lot of things work to make them smoother

I changed a lot of things to hopefully be a lot smoother, this is mainly "under-the-hood" so on the surface not much has changed. There's a chance that I forgot to adapt something, so definitely tell me if you find any issues!

    __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-02-25 - [Minor Update] Reaction Role Messages Now Accept URLs

You can now also use a link to a message when setting up reactionroles. For example, instead of: -react add [PostID] [Role] [Emote], you can now do: -react add [Link To Message] [Role] [Emote]! Note: If there are any issues, please use the -bug command to report it to me!

2020-02-23 - [Major Update] Added the Achievement Tracker for individual servers

I added new commands to let people track their achievements in servers. To enable this, an admin can type: -achievementtracker enable #Channel, this will make a webhook in said channel and achievements will start getting tracked! A user can then type: -track followed by their RSN.

    To untrack someone an admin has to type: `-untrack` followed by the RSN of the user.

    To disable the feature again an admin can type: `-achievementtracker disable`.

    **This is still in beta, so definitely report any bugs!!**
    __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

Made the reactions for the host command faster. Also made the Absent and Unattend commands faster.

    __Note: If there are any issues, please use the `-bug` command to report it to me!__

2020-01-27 - [Major Update] Archiving, Forwarding and Merging Disabled Until Further Notice

The Archiving, Forwarding and Merging features are disabbled until further notice.

    Sadly I just received word that these features are technically API abuse, seeing I definitely want to follow Discord's TOS I'm disabling these features.
    Hopefully one day I might be able to re-enable them, but it doesn't seem likely.

2020-01-26 - [New Commands & Minor Changes] Added a "Merge" and "MiniMerge" Command

With these new commands you can basically combined several channels into a new combined channel. All of the messages will be transferred chronologically. You can use it by typing -merge followed by the channel names, for example -merge #Channel1 #Channel2. The MiniMerge command is basically just the condensed version of this, instead of using embeds to display who sent which message, it'll send a shorter version.

    The Archive & Forward commands now Archive or Forward an entire channel if you don't give it any arguments.

2020-01-24 - Friendliness' Website

The website for both the Friendlybot and the Achievement Tracker. Friendlybot allows for quick and easy team-forming, calculating how loot should be split, and much more! Once you register yourself on the website all of your RuneScape achievements will be saved.

2020-01-24 - [Medium Update] Reworked The Way Temporary Voice Channels Work - Also added a webpage for the Universal Banlist

Temporary Voice Channels are now only deleted after the last user leaves.

    If the creator leaves the temporary voice channel, they will lose access to the commands to modify the permissions of the channel, but they can still manually edit them.

    There is now also a webpage for the universal banlist,!

2020-01-23 - [Major Update] Reworked The Entire Reaction Role Stuff

Reworked the entire Reaction Role stuff, it should now be a lot faster!

    It'll be faster to add new reactions or remove them, but it'll also be faster to be assigned new roles.

    Because this changed the entire way of how I was storing things, there is the possibility of stuff breaking.

    I definitely hope not but if it is the case I apologize, setting up the reaction roles again should fix it!

    __Note: If it's a major inconvenience please make sure to contact me, for example through the `-ticket` commmand. I'll help you fix the problems if there are any!__

2020-01-22 - [Major Update] Added Temporary Voice Channels

Added temporary voice channels.

    To enable this, you can type: `-tempvoice enable`, it'll create a Category in which all of the temporary channels will be created.

    When you join the "**Join me to create a temporary voice channel!**"  Voice Channel, it drops you into your own private (hidden) voice channel, the user who created the channel can then set permissions for that channel.

    The creator of this channel can manually set permissions, or use the `-hide` and `-show` commands, along with the `-vcadd` and `-vcremove` commands.

    `Show` & `Hide` will make the channel visible or invisibile, `VCadd` followed by a username will allow the mentioned person to join the channel, `VCremove` will remove the person from the voice channel again.

    Disabling this feature by doing `-tempvoice disable`, will delete all of the existing temporary channels and disable the feature again.

These two commands let you give or take a role form everyone with a certain role.

    `-roletorole` gives a role to all users with a certain role. Example: `-roletorole @Noob @Professional`, this gives everyone with the `@Noob` role, the role of `@Professional`.

    `-rolefromrole` removes a role from all users with a certain role. Example: `-rolefromrole @Noob @Professional`, this would remove the `@Professional` role, from everyone with the `@Noob` role."

2020-01-07 - Minor Update - Optional Host Form Channels

Made it so you can choose a channel for a host form to be posted in.

    Use it like: `-host [Boss] #ChannelName [Info]`!

    For example: `-host aod <#491294510064599080> Bomb the boys`!

    __Note: This is optional, you can still use host like you used to be able to.__

2019-12-21 - GiveAways!

Added a few commands to set up GiveAways and let people win prizes!

    You can start a giveaway by typing `-giveaway` and by following the dialogue!

    For more info, type `-help giveaway`!

2019-11-17 - PinkSkirts Reminders - Roles

Added a command to create roles for the JagexClock notifications!

    Just type `-jagexclockroles` and the roles will be created, these will be mentioned in the JagexClock reminders!
    To enable the JagexClock for your server, type `-jagexclock on #Channel`!

2019-11-08 - PinkSkirts Reminders - Roles

Added a command to create roles for the Pink Skirt events!

    Just type `-pinkskirtroles` and the roles will be created, these will be mentioned in the Pink Skirt reminders!

2019-11-07 - PinkSkirts Reminders

Added a command you can use to be reminded when Pink Skirts events start!

    To enable this, type: `-pinkskirtnotifs on #Channel`, this will make reminders for the events be sent 10 mins before the start of the event!

    To disable this again, type: `-pinkskirtnotifs off`.

2019-11-03 - Friendliness' Website

The website for both the Friendlybot and the Achievement Tracker. Friendlybot allows for quick and easy team-forming, calculating how loot should be split, and much more! Once you register yourself on the website all of your RuneScape achievements will be saved.

2019-11-03 - Universal banlist!

Added a universal banlist, known abusers can automatically be banned from your server!

    You can type `-unibanlist` to see a list of all of the people currently on the list.

    To enable this feature, type `-universalban on`, to disable this you type `-universalban off`.

    If this list updates, the bot will automatically ban the new user!

2019-10-19 - Minor Update -Events!

Added an (optional) Event Type to the events command, this way you can add emoji's to your events and clarify what kind of event it is.

2019-10-18 - Minor Update - Host Roles!

You can now use a rolename directly as "boss" for the -host command.

    For example: `-host @Beastmaster`.

    (This works as long as the role's name is the same as the boss's name.)

2019-10-15 - Minor Update - Host Lists!

You can now host lists by typing -host list, the default will be 10 people max.

    If you want to set your own maximum of people, you can for example do `-host list -max 5` to have a maximum of 5 people.

2019-10-11 - Minor Update - Role Commands!

Made it possible to use all of the role commands with the role ID

    Instead of using `@Rolename` you can now also use (example:) `123456789` so a role ID.

2019-10-10 - <:info3:614196608116195340>-help triggerrole

Sets up roles that remove other roles when they're assigned.

2019-10-10 - Minor Update - Trigger Roles!

Added a triggerrole command

    You can make one role unassign another role. Eg: the `@Unsubscribe` role removes the `@Amlodd` & `@Hefin` roles.

2019-10-01 - Minor Update - Server Invites!

Added serverinvites

    Type `-help servers` to find a list of servers you can get an invite link for!

2019-09-21 - Minor Update - Stat Commands!

Added commands to look up stats on RS3 or 07!

    Type `-stats [Username]` for their stats on RS3 or `-07 [Username]` for their stats on OSRS!

2019-09-08 - Minor Update - Events!

Changed the event command to allow you to manually pick who the event host is.

    There might be some minor bugs, definitely let me know!

2019-09-01 - Minor Update - Remind Feature!

Made it easier to use the remind feature, you can now use for example 6h30 to be reminded in 6h and 30 mins. Type: -remind 6h30 *Reminder message*

2019-08-31 - Major Update - Reworked the entire bot!

Made various major changes, the bot now looks up & modifies things in my database way faster!

    I can also more easily add new commands or features without having to restart the bot!

    Let me know if there are any issues and I'll try to resolve them as quickly as I can!

    Especially seeing literally the whole bot was rewritten, there's a chance this is the case :)

    In the long run this should be beneficial to everyone who uses the bot, especially since it's been growing steadily!

2019-08-28 - Minor Update - Custom Prefixes

You can now set a custom prefix for the bot to use!

Type: `-settings prefix` followed by your new prefix, you can reset these to the default by typing `-settings prefix reset`.

2019-08-28 - Minor Update - Editevent Modification

The editevent command now alos modifies the last message of the event you posted!

2019-08-28 - Friendlybot Help

View help information for Friendlybot (-). (Do -help [command] for specific help information).

2019-08-28 - Major Update - Changed the entire Help Command & A lot of other commands

Revamped help commands to be more descriptive & clear!

The role commands have been finetuned to make them way more easy to use!

Massive thanks to <@349581235951108098> once again, she's helped me so much! :heart:

2019-08-20 - Thanking Jess for Suggestions Day****

Date: 2019-08-19 20:00:00 Thanks a ton for the events suggestion & for helping me QA it 🙂

2019-08-20 - Major Update - Added Events

Added a lot of features to set up events.

**Events Manager Feature**:

Post your clan or server events with Friendlybot! People can react to sign up to get notified 30 min prior to the event and when it starts!
You can create events for which people can sign up and get pinged.

2019-08-17 - Hosts feature - Minor Update

Anyone can now enlist to be notified, this means that let's say 10 people click the Notification symbol (<:Notification:590484394125426692>), they'll all be pinged when someone enlists or unlists as a role!

Note: **If you were enlisted to be notified for an old host-post, this will probably temporarily not work!**

2019-08-14 - Added a "RemoveReminder" feature

You can now remove reminders you've set, type -reminders to figure out your Reminder's ID, then type -removereminder ID for example: -removereminder 46478945a645a784!

2019-08-14 - Added a "Reminders" feature

You can now see all the reminders you've set, type -reminders to see them!

2019-08-11 - Added a "Remind Me" feature

You can let the bot remind you of something, type -remindme followed by an amount and a time. For example: -remindme 1 hour, -remindme 10 mins or -remindme 7 days!

2019-08-04 - Minor Update - Added Giverole & Removerole Commands

You can now assign a role to several people by typing: -giverole @Rolename @Person1#1337 @Person2#0069 Or remove the role by typing: -removerole @Rolename @Person1#1337 @Person2#0069

2019-08-03 - Minor Update - Multiroles for Archiveenable & Ticketenable

Made it so you're now able to give multiple roles access to the archives & ticketing channels.

2019-07-27 - Minor Update - Massassign & Massremove

Added the Massassign & Massremove commands.

You can give a role to everyone in the server or remove a role from everyone in the server.

2019-07-15 - Big Update - Data Storage

Hey there, I changed how the entire bot stores & reads data!

Hopefully there are no bugs, but if there are please let me know!

This shouldn't change anything for you as user.

2019-07-14 - Host Command - Update

Changed how the host command works slightly.

There is now an optional argument to make a host post not expire, otherwise it automatically expires after 2 weeks.

The reason this was added is because it seems like a lot of people weren't completing the group, so I had to manually wipe files occasionally.

Everything should now be stored more nicely and should perhaps even be a bit faster though!

The host command is essentially unchanged for most users, the only thing changed is if you want a permanent post you have to type: `-host bossname 0 Information here` instead of the normal `-host bossname Information here`

2019-07-08 - New Feature - Archiving

Added the -archiveenable @role to enable Archiving, as it's optional!

So if you'd like to use this feature, type `-archiveenable @Moderator` for example to give Mods the ability to archive an entire channel.

`-archive` archives the entire contents of the channel, this might get spammy!.

`-archivedisable` disables the archiving feature again.

2019-07-07 - New Feature - Ticketing

Added the -ticketenable @role to enable Ticketing, as it's optional!

So if you'd like to use this feature, type `-ticketenable @Moderator` for example to give Mods access to the channel & the ability to resolve tickets!

2019-07-07 - New Feature - Ticketing

Added the option to send tickets to create a temporary channel & resolve issues with Admins :)

Let me know if you like it & make sure to tell me if you find any bugs!

2019-07-06 - Minor Update - Solak

Made a minor change, only some of the roles of Solak are now combinable. This means you can't select for example North-West & South-East.

Please let me know if there are any bugs!