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/tempvoice enable

Enables the Temporary Voice Channels feature.

This feature creates a voice channel users can join to then spawn their own voice channel. These channels can be configured with specific default settings, for example a default size, default name, whether the channel should be manageable by the user, ...

/tempvoice disable

Disables the Temporary Voice Channels feature again.

/tempvoice settings

Displays your current settings for Temporary Voice Channels.

/tempvoice logchannel

Sets up a log channel where logs for Temporary Voice Channels should be sent to.


Name Type Description Default
channel TextChannel

A channel where logs should be sent to.


/tempvoice roles

Allows certain roles to manage all Temporary Voice Channels.


If a user modifies their voice channel to disallow these roles to see or manage the channel, the bot will automatically give them access again.


Name Type Description Default
roles Transform[str, RoleTransformer]

The roles you want to be able to manage these channels. Don't provide any if you want to remove them.


/tempvoice hidden

Changes whether the Temporary Voice Channels should be hidden from everyone by default or not.


Name Type Description Default
choice Choice[int]

Yes or No.


/tempvoice commands

Changes whether users should be able to use commands to manage their Temporary Voice Channel or not.


Name Type Description Default
choice Choice[int]

Yes or No.


/tempvoice manageable

Changes whether users should be able to manage their Temporary Voice Channels manually or not.


Name Type Description Default
choice Choice[int]

Yes or No.


/tempvoice defaultname

Changes what the default name for Temporary Voice Channels should be.


If you want the user's name included, use {user} in the name parameter. If you want to reset this to the default channel names, don't provide a name.


Name Type Description Default
name str

What the default name for channels should be, if you want the user's name included use {user}. Defaults to resetting the channels to their default name.


/tempvoice defaultsize