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This command requires the administrator permission by default. To learn how to change this, please check the faq command.

/affiliate enable

Enables the Affiliate feature in your server.

This feature allows you to connect with other servers and display your partnership. You can create an embed that can be posted by servers you've linked with, in which you can describe what your server is about.

In there you can show information like who to contact, the name of your server, an invite URL and more. If you edit your embed and it was posted in other servers, your posted embeds will automatically be updated.

After successfully linking with another server, you can post their embed in your server.


To be able to copy the ID of a server, check out the /faq command!

/affiliate disable

Disables the affiliate feature

/affiliate self

Shows your server's current embed.

This is what your embed will look like in other servers when they post it.

Link your server with other server(s).

After both you and the other server link with each other, you can post each other's embeds with the /affiliate post command.


Name Type Description Default
server_ids str

The ID(s) of the server(s) you want to link with, separated by a space.


Unlinks your server from another server(s)

If the other server(s) have posted your embed, it will be removed from their server.


Name Type Description Default
server_ids str

The ID(s) of the server(s) you want to unlink from, separated by a space.


Displays the status of your server and its links.

This will show the server's name, their ID and the status.

The Link statuses are the following:

  • Successfully Linked: ✅

    Both you and the server have linked with each other.

  • Waiting For Link: 🕑

    You have linked with the server, but the server hasn't linked with you yet.

  • Wants To Link: ⏺

    The server has linked with you, but you haven't linked back yet.

The Event statuses are the following:

  • Both Share Events: ↔️

    Both you and the other server share events with each other.

  • Receives Your Events: ➡️

    The other server receives your events.

  • Shares Events With You: ⬅️

    The other server shares events with your server.

/affiliate post

Post server(s) embeds in your server.


If you've previously posted a server's embed, you'll have to unpost it first if you want to post it again. This is so you can make sure you only post the embeds you haven't posted prior.


Name Type Description Default
server_ids str

The server IDs you want posted, separated by a space. If none are provided, all embeds will be posted. Defaults to None.


/affiliate unpost

Removes another server(s) embed from your server.


Name Type Description Default
server_ids str

A series of server IDs, separated by a space. If none are provided, all of the posted embeds will be removed. Defaults to None.


/affiliate toc

Posts a table of contents of your affiliates, with links to their embeds.

/affiliate display

Allows you to preview the embed of a server with the Affiliates Feature enabled.


This will show [Not Affiliated] in the footer, as this counts as a preview.


Name Type Description Default
server_ids str

A series of server IDs, separated by a space. If none are provided, all of the posted embeds will be removed.


/affiliate log

Display the servers that have posted your server's embed in their server.

/affiliate embed

Create an initial embed for your server.

This sends you a form which you can fill out to configure your server's initial embed. Later on you can edit your embed with /affiliate edit, which allows for more advanced customisation.

/affiliate contact

Allows you to set the contact information for your server.

This is a more convenient way than /affiliate edit to edit this section, as it allows you to mention users.


Name Type Description Default
contact_information str

The new contact information for your server.


/affiliate edit

Edits your server's affiliate embed.

This allows you to select the section you would like to edit, then sends you a form to fill out. After editing your embed it'll automatically get updated in servers that have posted your embed.

/affiliate events


This command requires the administrator permission by default. To learn how to change this, please check the faq command.

/affiliate events status

Shows you what your current configuration for the sharing of events is.

This includes
  • Sharing of events - enabled or disabled
  • Sharing events with all - enabled or disabled
  • Sharing events with specific servers - with their server ID
  • Receiving of events - enabled or disabled
  • Receiving of events from all servers - enabled or disabled
  • Receiving events from specific servers - with their server ID

/affiliate events webhook

Choose a channel for the events of your affiliates to be sent to.


Name Type Description Default
channel TextChannel

The Discord channel you'd like to receive your affiliate's events in.


/affiliate events receive_from

Requests the receiving of events from other servers.


To receive events you'll need to choose a channel for them to appear in, you can do this by running the /affiliate events webhook command.


Provide no server IDs to receive events from all of your affiliates. Otherwise you'll add / remove the provided server IDs to the list of servers you'll receive events from.


Name Type Description Default
add_or_remove Choice[int]

Add or remove server(s) to the list of servers you receive events from.

server_ids str

Which servers you'd like to get events from, separated with spaces. Defaults to all servers


/affiliate events share_to

Configure which servers you want your events shared to.


Please remember for your events to get shared with others, you'll have to have Events Calendar feature enabled!


Provide no server IDs to share your events with all of your affiliates. Otherwise you'll add the provided server IDs to the list of servers that are allowed to receive your events.


Name Type Description Default
add_or_remove Choice[int]

Add or remove server(s) to the list of servers you share events with.

server_ids str

Which servers you'd like to share events with, separated with spaces. Defaults to all servers


/affiliate events publish

Manually publish unpublished events to your affiliated servers.


Name Type Description Default
event_id Transform[str, LongIntTransformer]

The ID of the event. Defaults to None, meaning all of your events will be published.


/affiliate events settings

Configure your affiliate events settings.


This lets you change the settings for your affiliate events, such as:

- The sharing of your events

- Sharing events with all of your affiliates

- The receiving of your events

- Receiving events from all of your affiliates

- Whether events should be published manually or not.


If you want your server's events to be shared with your affiliated servers please make sure to also enable the Events Calendar!


If you want to receive the events of affiliated servers please also make sure you've ran the /affiliate events webhook command.

This command configures which channel the events of your affiliates will get sent to.