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This command requires the administrator permission by default. To learn how to change this, please check the faq command.

/uniban enable

Enables the universal banlist.

The Universal Banlist is a list of known spammers, scammers and abusers. Once you enable it, these users will be automatically banned from your server if they're in it, or will be banned when trying to join your server.


If you disagree with someone's ban, you can add the user to your 'ignorelist' by using /uniban ignore. This will make sure the users on the list will not be banned in your server anymore

/uniban disable

/uniban ignore

Adds user(s) to your uniban ignorelist. This means they won't be banned by the universal banlist feature.


Name Type Description Default
users Transform[str, UserTransformer]

A series of users, provided either by ID or mentioning them. Separated a space.


/uniban unignore

Removes user(s) from your uniban ignorelist.


Name Type Description Default
users Transform[str, UserTransformer]

The users you would like to remove from the uniban's ignore list, separated with a |


/uniban ignorelist

Displays the people currently ignored by the universal banlist. The people on this list will not be automatically banned by the universal banlist feature.

/uniban check


This command requires the administrator permission by default. To learn how to change this, please check the faq command.

Checks if user(s) are on the universal banlist or not.


Name Type Description Default
users Transform[str, UserTransformer]

A series of users, provided either by ID or mentioning them. Separated a space.
